Sober living

12 Scientifically Proven Ways to Unwind After Work

how to destress after work

The 4×4 breathing technique is a simple method you can use anytime, anywhere to bring your body out of a stress response and back to a state of balance. Relaxation techniques can lower stress symptoms and help you enjoy a better quality of life, especially if you have an illness. Whether it’s knitting, painting, or making jewelry, crafting is a great way to unwind after work. Creativity-focused how to destress after work activities like these allow our brains release dopamine, which is a natural antidepressant. According to research, indulging our creativity not only bolsters our mental health, but our physical health, too. By disconnecting from digital distractions, you create space for deeper relaxation and rejuvenation, setting the stage for a restful night’s sleep and a refreshed start to the next day.

how to destress after work

How to De-Stress After Work: 11 Tips to Unwind

Unfortunately, some of the guidance out there doesn’t align with the reality of our lives. Although we can’t simply wish the pandemic away, we can, even as adults, find new ways to de-stress and ignite moments of meaning and joy within our day. With all the new stressors impacting each one of us, we now more than ever have to take proactive steps to lift ourselves so we can better lift each other.

how to destress after work

Ways to calm stress in 5 minutes or less

how to destress after work

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, keep in mind that you’ll be making a commitment that will last the lifetime of the pet—perhaps 10, 15, or 20 years with a dog or cat; as many as 30 years or more with a bird. You can, of course, consider adopting an older dog or cat from a shelter or rescue group and provide a deserving animal with a loving home for its senior years. Here’s how caring for a dog, cat, or other animal can help relieve depression and anxiety, lower stress, and improve your heart health. The techniques and strategies shared below draw from a deep understanding of how our nervous system works and are designed to be simple enough to incorporate into your daily routine. A 2013 study found that listening to music reduced the stress levels in participants, and in fact it’s quite easy to feel that same effect when listening to your favourite songs.

Memorize this yoga routine

If you’re overwhelmed at work, it might be wise to forgo extra responsibility if possible. You could also let go of voluntary roles that cause you stress without bringing you any joy or opportunities. If this isn’t possible at your workplace, try to spend some time reflecting on this outside of work. A lack of sleep may also make it more difficult to focus and perform at work. If you can’t exercise regularly, try to stretch in your sitting spot, take walks before, during, or after work, or go up and down the stairs if you can.

Ways to calm stress in 10 minutes

how to destress after work

  • These can be different for everyone and may be related to the type of job.
  • Caring for a pet can bring pleasure and help boost your morale, optimism, and sense of self-worth.
  • Families with small children or elderly living in their homes should consider the size and energy level of a pet.
  • Use them to help others identify signs of burnout and create more balance in their lives.

Taking time to recharge

how to destress after work

We Vent About Job Stress to Our Loved Ones


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